Our Purpose

Preparing and Investing in Leaders for Tomorrow (PILOT) understands the value and the long-range strategic advantages associated with developing a diverse workforce. Mission readiness and operational requirements related to persistent pilot shortfalls in the U.S. military necessitate increasing the recruiting pool of potential aviators and improving mentoring efforts of current officers for career retention. Likewise, proven performance among minority flying squadrons during combat and non-combat operations demands outreach to these underrepresented communities. Cultivating candidates with diverse socio-economical backgrounds into military and government training not only meets the DoD Board but also helps to improve the military’s persistent pilot shortfalls and the government’s desire to vary the backgrounds of candidates for leadership. PILOT presents this unique pilot indoctrination/government leadership training program which addresses challenges facing the DOD on multiple fronts.

PILOT’s solution complements the United States Airforce’s (USAF) strategy for attracting and integrating a diverse and talented force. PILOT is helping to rebuild the DOD’s pilot production capacity and assisting in attaining goals set forth by the DOD for developing a dynamic core of leaders ready to assume leadership upon entry into military or government service.


PILOT offers comprehensive, mentorship training and preparation for the intense courses assessments and training required for entry into military and federal service. Our experience within the DoD includes program management and training support to multiple organizations. We possess the technical and advisory capabilities, subject matter expertise, and past performance to deliver leading-edge support to the DoD.


Our team of diverse mentors initially reached out to the youth of their respective communities to improve opportunities for future generations. Over a decade, their continued presence provided their communities with a positive figure and a street credible role model of from the same socio-economic background; which many young men and women sought to emulate. In time, these separate efforts coalesced into a shared endeavor.

Our Approach

PILOT understands that increasing recruiting efforts alone will not solve the Federal Government’s lack of range in recruits prepared to excel in federal service positions; nor will it solve the DoD’s continual pilot shortfall or lack of varied socio-economic backgrounds among pilots. Our team believes the creation of a career pilots program is achieved by identifying and developing underrepresented candidates who possess key attributes necessary to successfully meet and exceed the high-intensity demands of military flight training. PILOT assembles eligible candidates from all underrepresented races, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds with the necessary qualities for a career as a military aviator (Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard pilots), cybersecurity specialist or career federal servants.